Our Philosophy

Core Pillars

Embark on a transformative journey with us at Village Academy San Diego, where each child's potential is recognized, nurtured, and celebrated in collaboration with our dedicated parent community.

  • We not only teach traditional subjects but integrate vital 21st-century skills like digital literacy, critical thinking, and collaborative teamwork, all within a mastery-based education model that allows children to advance at their own pace.

  • Our mixed-age classrooms spark symbiotic relationships, encouraging younger learners to seek guidance and older ones to mentor. Our deliberately small class sizes ensure each student's voice is heard, and their unique needs are met.

  • We champion the holistic development of each student, emphasizing not just academic prowess but also emotional intelligence, social skills, and physical well-being.

  • Our project-based learning approach allows students to solve real-world challenges, honing their creativity and problem-solving skills. Complementing this, our community service initiatives teach the intrinsic value of giving back and community betterment.

  • Shaped through a collective effort of students, parents, and teachers, our badge learning system celebrates each student's unique strengths and goals. This triad collaboration ensures a balanced, meaningful learning journey. As students earn badges, they not only showcase mastery in specific competencies but also solidify a collaborative sense of achievement and personal development.

  • We instill a profound sense of environmental responsibility. Students participate in eco-friendly projects and initiatives, learning the importance of sustainability and stewardship.

  • Parents are not just spectators but active participants in our educational ecosystem. We welcome parental input and encourage a variety of involvement options—from classroom volunteering to curriculum planning sessions.

  • We employ Socratic discussions to stimulate critical thinking and ethical reasoning, encouraging students to engage with complex issues from multiple viewpoints, developing both their empathy and intellectual rigor.

  • Our program operates on democratic principles, giving students a voice in their education. Paired with a commitment to lifelong learning, this encourages responsibility, decision-making, and leadership skills from an early age.

  • Our discipline approach is a lesson in empathy and respect. By understanding and addressing the root causes of issues, we guide students towards responsible and compassionate behaviors.

Classroom Design

Our mixed-age classrooms foster social development and support the idea that everyone has their own strengths and wisdom to share. We encourage children to seek assistance from their peers if they are struggling with a concept, but our lead educators also provide one-on-one and group tutoring.

  • Apprentice Studio

    The Apprentice Studio (TK/Kindergarten) is a blend of play and inquiry-based philosophies to ease children from the nurturing home and preschool environment to a more structured learning atmosphere.

    Students receive a main lesson for language arts and math. Montessori materials and Reggio-inspired activities encourage independent learning. This eclectic blend of educational philosophies focuses on educating the whole child and developing strong social-emotional pathways that will serve as a child’s foundation for future learning.

    As children transition out of the Apprentice Studio, they will slowly be introduced to the blended learning environment of the Lower Elementary Studio.

  • Lower Elementary Studio

    The Lower Elementary Studio (1st - 3rd Grade) is rooted in mastery-based learning. We blend Montessori and print materials with online curriculum for math and language arts, ensuring students fully understand a concept before moving forward. This combination allows for individualized, hands-on learning that complements the child's innate curiosity and self-direction.

    For Language Arts, our emphasis is on understanding and meaningful dialogue, rather than an over-reliance on written expression at an early age. We embrace the fact that children are unique, and learn at different speeds. We don't insist that a child should be reading just because they have entered 1st grade; rather, we observe their natural inclination and readiness to read.

    Our studio is a space where learning is not rushed, but tailored to each child's unique pace and interest.

  • Upper Elementary Studio

    The Upper Elementary Studio (4th - 6th Grade) focuses on fostering students' executive functioning skills, equipping them to meet their individual learning plan goals independently in a blended learning environment. The mornings are dedicated to core language arts and math, while afternoons are enriched with project-based unit studies to encourage hands-on learning and practical application of knowledge.

    Students meet one-on-one with the lead educator each week and in small groups to help those struggling. Online time is kept at a minimum through the use of game-schooling and print materials.

    Every year each child will also have the opportunity to choose a passion project close to their heart.